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Adakah Tempat bagi Umat Kristiani di Asia Tenggara? Survei Pew terhadap Umat Buddhis dan Muslim
[PEMBARUAN] Survei agama terbaru terhadap 13.000 orang dewasa di enam negara yang meneliti perpindahan agama, karma, dan kesesuaian dengan identitas nasional.
Myanmar’s Christians: As Our Churches Burn and People Flee, We Need the US’s Help
The Biden administration and the global church can do more to help the Chin people in Myanmar.
The Problem with Anti-Anti-Christian Nationalism
Moderate Christian nationalists shouldn't be smeared. But neither should extremism be defended.
Do Christians Belong in Southeast Asia? Pew Polled Buddhists and Muslims
[UPDATED] New religion survey of 13,000 adults across six nations examines conversion, karma, and compatibility with national identity.
Christian Politician Awaits Finnish Court’s Verdict on Hate Speech Charges—Again
Päivi Räsänen says quoting the Bible should not be a crime in a democracy.
La libertad religiosa no tiene por qué empeorar la polarización
Si se hace bien, puede facilitar nuestra convivencia.
What a Twitter Spat Reveals about Public Religion in America
A Republican lawmaker called a Christian tweet “bigoted.” Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar came to religious liberty’s defense.
Evangelical Alliance Accepts Iran Invite. Critics Claim Broken Engagement.
Wise as serpents or naïve as doves? WEA defends why it co-sponsored a UN human rights forum organized by the Islamic Republic, after accusations of legitimizing a persecutor.
Religious Liberty Doesn’t Have to Make Polarization Worse
If it’s done right, it can actually make it easier for us to live together.
International Anti-Persecution Strategies Are Failing Nigerian Christians
How the efforts of global advocacy groups depend on the capacity of local leaders.
Legal Advocates Eye Next Big Victory for Religious Liberty
After a string of victories at the Supreme Court, focus turns to one major precedent that could be overturned.
The Bulletin Episode 32|45min
Not Just a River in Egypt
The Biden family messes, and creative expression and affirmative action go to court.
Confined to Dirty, Low-Wage Jobs, Pakistani Christians Still Face Persecution and Poverty
Decades ago, converts thought the country would be a refuge from the caste system. Today, they are subject to discrimination, including stricter blasphemy laws.
Supreme Court Sides With Christian Who Won’t Make Gay Wedding Sites
Ruling: Colorado can’t “force all manner of artists, speechwriters, and others whose services involve speech to speak what they do not believe.”
Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Sabbath: Supreme Court Delivers a Victory to Christian Postal Worker
Update: Justices unanimously side with an evangelical who argued for accommodation of his Sabbatarian beliefs.
Umat Kristen di Nepal Tidak Dapat Memakamkan Jenazah Orang Kristen
Kisah perjuangan kaum Injili di Lembah Kathmandu untuk mendapatkan pemakaman dan menghindari kremasi.
US Rates Religious Freedom of China, Iran, Russia Among 199 Nations
State Department cites evidence of immigration at release of annual IRF report, first authorized 25 years ago.

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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